One thing you should know about me is that I LOVE to draw and illustrate aaaaand especially make greeting cards for loved ones. Gifting cards to my family and friends brings me such joy because I find it to be so meaningful and personal as I like to make each of these illustrations made to order.
This sparked the idea to make my illustrations a reality with "Kailey's Kreations"
It's not much right now, but I have been starting to sell my most recent work on my Etsy profile and hope to continue selling my work to spread the joy of a homemade card to loved ones.
You can view my most recent work here on my instagram: @kaileys.kreations

I create these adorable designs on my iPad using Procreate—it's fast and simple and it gets the job done! Then once said design is complete, I then send off my design to Staples and have the card be printed out on card stock and ready to be sent out to whomever.

As you can tell, I am really fascinated by lettering art and creating quotes along with some doodles. I find it relaxing to create these pieces and they bring me joy once
they are finalized.
they are finalized.